Sunday, February 1, 2009

Being on the QEA or the KB

I first wrote about the QEAs...queen entitlement of Asbury syndrome ...well, I guess the more blatant encounter here in the Little Apple is the KBs, the know betters...I'm telling you it's a disease running rampant in our village and we need to get a bailout ASAP. Classic example that I came across last night, she says to me "I used to be in the... business so I know" while she puts her hand on my arm. Now, I'm not one to get squeemish when someone touches me but my skin crawls when a KB patronises me with handlock on my person. What did I do you might wonder? I belted her and last seen she was half under a table. JUST kidding! I did the usual, "the customer is always right" thaaaang. I mean while thinking "are you leaving soon?" hehehehe

The funny thing is I'm getting used to the QEAs and KBs and I'm finding ways of smacking them back with a smile and gentle humor. Yeah, I love a new challenge.

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