Sunday, June 14, 2009


I'm bad....don't write here enough...guess i need more discipline....oh well

mmmmm.....i think I'm losing my hard on for MM,,,that's madison marquette...small letters intentional

I used to be a fan but they have gone the way of all dictatorships and think they have risen above the law. it's not a legal law I'm thinking of but one of being caring of the people they represent. I let my belief that putting all your eggs in one basket was dangerous should be repressed for the good of the bigger picture. But that picture has turned a lighter shade of pale.

Like all totalitarian societies, MM has gone the way of all leaders who put their interests before the good of all. They convinced the media, TCN, that they have have the support of all but don't realize that underneath the civilities of trying to function in this controlled society that the ones most affected are in the midst of great unrest.

The opposition isn't strong yet but it is growing slowly in a very healthy way. The best way because it isn't thrown in your will show up slowly yet should be.

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