Friday, January 30, 2009

discreet or just incest?

Life in the Little Apple becomes more clear to me as the weeks go by. I was used to a certain amount of anonymity in the Bigger Apple. Even there, in the smaller community of friends, family and co-workers, it was the norm to have a certain privacy. I think that's because in NYC we move very fast, we are like a sound bite on CNN to even our closest friends. To enlarge on our on going story we have to make the choice to just stop and take the time to really connect and communicate.

In the Little Apple, there is this need or assumption of a necessity to be careful about showing up and being on view. More fish bowl than ocean. I get it but I guess I have this inert resistance to being captured, like in a photo, and being seen forever as that guy in that photo.

So, what does one do? I mean not to be classified in an instant and even though once captured to be constantly observed? It's tough when you are an outgoing people person like Big D.It's my mission at the moment to be constantly a surprise to the viewer of my ongoing YouTube life. That way that photo becomes a memory and the in the moment snapshot becomes just instant of a life in motion.

I observe often here in the Little Apple how people stop or pause in their lives. Retire to the life here as it were. I see it in the local media and the people I see quite often here. I guess my quest to constantly being in motion and growing will not only bring benefits to myself but might have a small impact on the lives around mine.

So, in my world, Friday begins the week for me.....Got to get to work that is....see you, I'm sure...hehehe

Monday, January 19, 2009

So it begins again.....

I have this on and off blog about life in the city. I was thinking the other day....what about my life here in the Little Apple. Someone I know said be careful what you write, so, of course I can't turn down a challenge. I feel an opinion is just that and open polemics are healthy even in Steppford.

I really find the incestuousness of the Little Apple very revealing. It's like everyone knows but they don't until you drop a hint. Then everything spills out.

I didn't start this blog to be indiscreet. My motto at work is "We're discreet, we only talk among ourselves". :-)

Ok, so, I'm guilty! I have some of that acronym I made up after working here in the Little Apple, I call it QEA, Queen Entitlement of Asbury syndrome. In the city, where I have been most of my life we have what we call the bridge and tunnels...people from Jersey, Long Island, wherever. Here in the Little Apple we have the reverse. People from the city who...just know better. Me,I always said I want to die when I know everything. I guess that's how I keep young because I don't know that much. hehehe

Ahhh..this "Little Apple" called Asbury Park. The nickname came to me the other day when I was thinking about this idiosyncratic hamlet of diversity at the shore. I grew up down here and moved to the other apple, the Big One, to be all I can be, joining the army of aspirants that flock to the city of dreams. Came back more full time last year to work on a project and have been enjoying the sunny, cloudy, snowy...brrr days of the beachside.

Now being a QEA isn't only attributed to gays but to all who forget to give in to what is here in our Little Apple. I'm learning. Damn, I hope that doesn't mean what It could mean...uuugh...aging.

Until next time,
Big D